Sunday, August 05, 2007


You will have more friends… you will be admired… you will be known… you will be accepted… you can have a lot of fun.

You will be compared… you will be criticized… you will be backstabbed… you will be pulled down… you will be misjudged… you will have fake friends… you will be misled… you will be tempted… you will be distracted… you can be lost.

All these things seem to be inevitable. What is important is to see who will show you the first set of things and who will act and lead you to the second set. Will the wise good people admire you, or will the foolish bad ones? Will the dishonorable people accept you, or will the educated good-mannered ones? Will God appreciate you, or will the devil?

Do not care if the shallow ill-mannered people will criticize you… they are shallow and ill-mannered. Do not care if dishonorable people pull you down… it is just their nature to do so. Do not care if people will judge you… only foolish people judge even though they don’t know enough. Do care if you think God does not appreciate what you have done, what you are doing, what you have become, and what is your purpose in doing something.

Let’s all be models despite the great challenge it gives us. Let’s not be afraid to step up and do that good thing. Let’s not be afraid to be the ones who ask our friends to go to church and pray. Let each of us be not afraid to be the first one to stop doing what is bad. Let’s not be afraid to be the ones who commend people for being humane.

Let’s all be models and feel that great feeling when God appreciates us.


Anonymous said...

i'm impressed by the analogy. :)
so do you model now? ... and how's life in PD? ;)

Anonymous said...

modeling?? huwow! :) musta ka na?

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your page... and so far I've enjoyed reading your blogs. Keep it up so I have something to read... LOL.

I like the analogy... although it's easier said than done (for some people)... don't you think? Some people break at the face of rejection, while others fight their hardest to be accepted and for every rejection... they move on and get stronger. But why do people care to be accepted anyway? I guess people just want to belong, right? I've struggled to be accepted... and for every rejection, I beat myself up for even thinking about being accepted by those people who don't even deserve my company. But that was the old me... and I'm glad I overcame that obstacle in my life.

Unknown said...

Let's not care to be accepted by people... let's care to be accepted by God. That's just what we have to be focused on. If we do that, everything will just fall into the right place.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

You actually responded... hehehe. Anyway... you seem to write alot about God in your blogs. Are you that religious? Don't get me wrong... I believe in God... I just haven't been practicing my faith as much as I should. Is that a bad thing?

Anyway.. you have a good day!

Unknown said...

I don't really know. What I know, though, is that, I really do try to walk with Him.

I'm not sure what you mean by "practicing your faith." But if you're saying that, right now, you don't mind if you sin or not, I think it is a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

What I meant by "practicing my faith," was that I don't really go to church as much I should be. I mean, I pray before I go anywhere or before I go to bed. I do feel bad when I don't go to church. I get busy trying to catch up with things, that I forget to go. I know there's no excuse to not go and spend an hour of my time with Him. Do you still think that's a bad thing?

I'm lyn, btw... Hi =)